Celebration, Florida

the good folks pull together
it's July for forever
down in Celebration, Florida
the neighbors bring you coffee
and everyone's always happy
down in Celebration, Florida
there's a bake sale at the school house
and they're selling innocence
they're keeping out the deviants
to protect the residents
of Celebration, Florida
Celebration, Florida
they're buying up nostalgia
for a time they can't remember
down in Celebration, Florida
they're sharing homemade cornchips
even the dogs get facelifts
down in Celebration, Florida
there's a bake sale at the school house
and they're selling innocence
they're keeping out the deviants
to protect the residents
of Celebration, Florida
Celebration, Florida
there's nation fighting nation
there's kids with malnutrition
but not in Celebration, Florida
social engineering
it gives you that fuzzy feeling
down in Celebration, Florida
there's a bake sale at the school house
and they're selling innocence
they're keeping out the deviants
to protect the residents
of Celebration, Celebration, Florida
Celebration, Celebration, Celebration, Florida
Well it's just very conventional I don't know and it kind of just relies of some kind of simplistic folk ideology
That's true actually, I'd agree with that