RAY: Dear Rosalind, thanks for the new tape. You did my song very well. But, be careful. Celebrities believe their actions affect the behavior of their fans. It is a conceit the press reinforce. They suggest they entrust their precious readers into the hands of the performer. But it's really the performer who entrusts his audience to the press. You must serve the press as well as the audience. For me, a journalist called Ruth Streeting has become a symbol for the press and the establishment. They can't accept that a shit like me has value. I've always needed to make a crowd look away from the beautiful toward me. The more distasteful Ruth Streeting finds that need, the more driven I am to perform especially for her. Her disgust is the most powerful motivator of the artist in me. And as this is the last time I'm writing to you, I can tell you now something that I hardly believe has happened. I have fallen in love with her.