I come bearing legacy, that we caused jointly in our dawning land I come with delivery, and I have left it in my mourning band
I bring you my history that I expect your tender arms around it Give it love and think of me These are the letters from a compound
See the dawning of novelty Where we embrace the kind of subtlety Time finally caught up with me A modelling image of the fleeing fugitive
Say your greetings with goodbyes Sorrow sinking with a smile
Change is always given to decide just who it's for
Don't expect to hear from me 'Cause I have got to feed our hungry mouths But we must work to keep you content
I see the better and the worse in me I embrace the kind of subtlety Courage finally caught up with me A modelling image of the fleeing fugitive
Change is always given to decide just who it's for
Say your greetings with goodbyes Sorrow sinking with a smile