Moment & Morning: 1981-1986

Moment never stood so still
As he did that day
But if I had to explain I could not say
How he split into two
Or three or four
Morning never came so quick before
But she wanted it
Like I crave your kiss
Tonight I am left
In the middle of moment & morning
Here to tell their story
For the world to see
How they infected me
With their small disease
They brought tragedy
Now moment never even stands up at all
And I watched him fall
As she killed us all
With their little baby-sized sickness
That they shared once
Because they cared once
But morning should not take all the blame
She still feels the same
When she hears his name
But that mere virus is the Berlin Wall; 1981
Still standing tall
It's the middle of moment & morning
Left to tell their story
For the world to see
How they infected me
With their small disease
Brought catastrophe.