At the Gates
Release me from your world of lies
I cannot bear this pain
Degenerate machinery
The monster we create
Nausea, oh sweet nausea
Genetic bar code hell
Mental genocide
Repulsive human shells
Choke on the fruits of out life
Cold stare, starving eyes
Blinded, tired lives
Release me from this pain
Unknown to man
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All Life Ends [Live]
At the Gates
The Burning Darkness [Live]
At the Gates
The Red In the Sky is Ours
At the Gates
Terminal Spirit Disease [Enhanced Video]
At the Gates
The Burning Darkness [Enhanced Video]
At the Gates
And the World Returned [Instrumental]
At the Gates
And The World Returned (3:06)
At the Gates
The Burning Darkness (Live) (2:15)
At the Gates
Raped by the Light of Christ
At the Gates
The Red In The Sky Is Ours/theseason To Come
At the Gates
The Burning Darkness
At the Gates
At the Gates
The Break Of Autumn
At the Gates
All Life Ends (Live) (5:16)
At the Gates
The Flames Of The End
At the Gates
Terminal Spirit Disease
At the Gates
Kingdom Gone
At the Gates
The Architects
At the Gates
Claws Of Laughter Dead
At the Gates
World Of Lies
At the Gates