A brush with death and it's painfully clear
Who am I and what I'm doing here?
I've sacrificed and bled my heart out but for what?
Contemplating whether to leave this earth
The hours passing by but time stands still
Scourged there is no longer comfort in mindless violent acts
The hours pass but time stands still
Hate and rage fills the void
Pain and fear haunts the soul
I conquered all that I possibly could
I summoned all the strength I could find
If there's a place for those depraved
By all means send me on my way
An eternity of kindness and grace
Will never be enough to save my soul
Bound to an existence in agony for all eternity
It's not enough to save my soul
Hate and rage fills the void
Pain and fear haunts the soul
But there is no place in this world
For this depraved and decadent monument of humanity
The sands of time are sinking further
Bound by this burden of life
Death, the final endowment
We're all born just to die
The sands of time are sinking further
We're all just born to die