Self Destruction (Outro)

[Diabolic Talking]
By the time you hear this...
You will have been fully offended,
And all I'll have to say is... "Go fuck yourself".
Blow your fuckin' brains out...
I'll see you at the crossroads...
And I wont have your fuckin' money so don't ask.
And to my ex... where the fuck is my money?
And to all you people who are thinkin' about buying this fuckin' album....
Coz' I don't give a fuck about you.
And if you do buy this album...
Break the fuckin' CD in half and slit your wrist with it...
Or even better go home, kill your family with it...
It'll just give me more publicity, this way I'll be in the paper,
You'll be blameing me for your suicidal phsychotic thoughts,
And I'll be laughin' at you,
While im spending the money you used to purchase my CD,
On weed and beer,
Signing off...
- Diabolic.
One love & fuck you.