Who Told Omar?
Shook Ones
Watch the debate then what you say
will boil the water anyway
You grabbed your coat
and I thought for sure you'd walk out that door
would I sit here if I knew right now you were running for the bus?
On your voice was carried
the reasons for what id have done
I'd have run
hoping that the bus was late
but the fifteen had won that race
I hate these shoes
Then theres my friend whose got me scared
cause all of the problems and the notions that we share
Convinced perfect can't be hiding in the shades of grey
There is no way
I thirst the way he thirsts for self inflicted pain
He's run to new loves fun
He swears he knows what hes doing with his girl
He calls her domino
With his friend he loves to show her off
in the wind she is so shaky
I'd run I'd run I'd run
I'd run to every city bus hub
and if I ever let it get that far
I'd hate myself for being so dumb
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