Internet gross exaggerations of the truth is often stranger than the fiction novel idea think groups. Shoot from the hip hop upon another band wagon tales from the crypt walking off the plank and on the sails of life insurance for the living dead beat box away your problem child care package incomplete. Control freaks of the industry rule number four thousand and eighty one too many children killed in school work away a part time summer job hunt for the best deal under the sun block the barnyard punch the clock, knock into next week memory deleted any concept of time sheets of acid rain drops to start rolling a dislocated joint custody of the moment you're holding onto dead art forms and technique, 1200 hobos beg for change ups in your wack beat
This is Sage Francister fist fuck face the facts of life on the run DMC tapes are smacked into a million pieces not the word to play for the love of the game and the arrangement of what I say lean solutions for the dangerously over WAIT JUST A MINUTE rice cakes have carbohydrates. Factory phat farm animal instincts, for legs good, eight legs insects anticonquistador prize (??) play this record backwards satanic (??) Vegas, baby, Vegas how I come across section part of town house music, turn it off. The topic of the evening news paper, rock, scissor leg kick this one here for me and my dj red alert the masses of the words that I say, "ALL YOU SUCKA MCs WONT YOU PLEASE COME OUT AND PLAY?"
I made a personal journal entry level position to get paid time over working paper chase the dragon breath spray, minty fresh mouth guard against the death ray charles in charge credit cards are dealt, let's play a word association game for ages 8 and up your ass hole out of stuffed turkey dinner plate and cut the microphone for help wanted dead or alive from new york it's Saturday night fever running high from George Bush fire god speed racer go go dancer in the dark angel hair trigger gun show me the money bags of unmarked bill collector's special edition extra extra strength of non prophets of rage, non profiteering up your corporation's tax claims. Non-prophecies are non profitable nowadays but heeyyyy