Divvy it up and in short in order
Final wish to see everything
Evil eyes can thieve and plunder
A part of the shock of being blind
Even I can see the wonder
Of cutting a swath so deep and wide
Fearful the twins of lightning
Be mindful, the spirits are counting on new blood
Divvy it up and in short in order
Divvy it up and in short in order
Evil eyes can thieve and plunder
A part of the shock of being blind
Even I can see the wonder
Of cutting a swath so deep and wide
Fearful the twins of lightning
Be mindful, the spirits are counting on new blood
Fearful the twins of lightning
Be mindful, the spirits are counting on new blood
Divvy it up and in short in order
Final wish to see everything
Divvy it up and in short in order
Final wish to see everything
Fearful the twins of lightning
Be mindful, the spirits are counting on new blood