Lincoln Freed Me Today (The Slave)

Baez Joan
Baez Joan
Blessed Are...
Lincoln Freed Me Today (The Slave)
Been a slave most all my life
so´s my kids and so´s my wife
I´ve been working on the Colonel´s farm
Ain´t been mistreated, ain´t done no harm
I´ll be a slave to my grave
No need of me being free.
Recollect when I was just fourteen
Freedom use to be my biggest dream
I´m older now, lot wiser too
If I was free what would I do
The Colones right good to me
He´s taken care of my family.
The Colonel rode the buggy in from town
Hitched the horse and called us all around
Said he couldn´t keep us here no more
I saw a tear as he walked toward the door
Oh Dear God, what did he say?
Lincoln freed me today.
David Patton
Published by Rolling Meadows Music
ASCAP 3:21