The Partisan (La Complainte Du Partisan) (3:17) (H
Baez Joan
Baez Joan
Come From The Shadows
The Partisan (La Complainte Du Partisan) (3:17) (H
They poured across the borders
We were cautioned to surrender
This I could not do
Into the hills I vanished
No one ever asks me
Who I am or where I'm going
But those of you who know
You cover up my footprints
I have changed my name so often
I have lost my wife and children
But I have many friends
And some of them are with me
An old woman gave us shelter
Kept us hidden in a garrett
And then the soldiers came
She died without a whisper
There were three of us this morning
And I'm the only one this ev'ning
Still I must go on
Frontiers are my prison
Oh the winds, the winds are blowing
Thru the graves the winds are blowing
Freedom soon will come!
Then we'll come from the shadow.
$Toupsilonsigma alphauepsilonmu{}oupsilonsigma,
oiota alphauepsilonmu{}oiota
$alphaualphamuepsilonsigmaalpha sigma aualpha
muuetamualpha aualpha oiota
$gamma{}ohogammaalpha eta
Elambdaepsilonupsilon hetaepsilonhoiotaalpha
hetaalpha ho hetaeta!$
$To auepsilon kappaiota epsilonmuepsiloniotasigma
alphaeta aueta sigmakappaiotaalpha
muepsilonsigmaalpha hetaalpha
ho heta{}oupsilonmuepsilon.$
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